Thursday, September 17, 2009

Welcome to Our Blog!!!

anniegogglyn has started a blog to keep all of you fashionistas updated on new trends and all of the must haves of our store! First off we want to give you a little background on our store. The name anniegogglyn originated from the word antigoglin which means askew, not perfect, catywompus. The name needed a more girly touch and anniegogglyn was born! We have been in Alamo Heights for almost 11years and we are one of the original boutiques of San Antonio! anniegogglyn is a women's/girl's boutique that carries all of the new/trendy brands such as Heartloom, Fluxus, Lauren Moshi, Wildfox, Blank NYC Jeans, Tarina Tarantino, Glam, iluck and sooo many more. Oh, and did we mention we have fabulous prices for everyone:) We recently got back from market in VEGAS and are receiving shipments daily of new merchandise. Follow our blog and check out our website to see all the great stuff in our store! Fashion & Love, anniegogglyn girls